Anton Dymtchenko
1 min readAug 30, 2020

I agree with your artcile! Meditation is the best tool to stop a racing mind.

However, sleeplessness can be cause by loads of physical problems too : pain, tension, acid reflux, shallow breathing, noise etc.

I have been meditating daily for almost 4 years now. It became simple for me step out of thought loops when laying in bed.

A great addition to that is to fully spend your energy throughout the day and be exhausted before going to bed. Your brain will not even venture into excessive thinking because the body's yearning for rest will overpower it.

On days where I don't run or do long work-outs, I take a 1-hour walk right before bed time. I make sure to go up and down flights of stairs to spend more energy.

I leave my cellphone at home to refrain from notifications, news and other psychological stimuli.

When I come back, 9 times out of 10, I fall on my bed like a brick and fall asleep shortly after.



Anton Dymtchenko

Content Creator, Artist, Writer | Sound Money Advocate 🧡⚡️|